Americans for the Arts reveals 10 reasons arts are necessary in our hometowns details a presentation on the "National Arts and Economic Prosperity 6" study, emphasizing the arts' significant role in community unification, economic growth, and individual well-being, a mission that aligns with's efforts to leverage art for community health and engagement.

There’s social benefits, there’s economic benefits, there’s personal and community well being benefits. The arts have been there to help people through with mental health coming out of the pandemic. So the arts aren’t just nice, they’re necessary.
— Randy Cohen, the Vice President of Research for AFTA
Americans for the Arts

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The article from WDBJ discusses a presentation given by Randy Cohen, the Vice President of Research for Americans for the Arts (AFTA), at the Lyric Theatre in Blacksburg, Virginia. Cohen was there to present the findings of the National Arts and Economic Prosperity 6 study, a research conducted every five years that highlights the significant impact of the arts on communities and the economy.

The study outlined ten reasons why supporting the arts is beneficial for Montgomery County:

  1. Arts Unify Communities: They bring people together and foster a sense of unity.

  2. Arts Improve Individual Well-being: Engagement with the arts contributes to personal happiness and fulfillment.

  3. Arts Strengthen the Economy: The arts are a driving force in economic development.

  4. Arts Drive Tourism and Revenue to Local Businesses: They attract visitors and stimulate local commerce.

  5. Arts Improve Academic Performance: Involvement in the arts is linked to better educational outcomes.

  6. Arts Spark Creativity and Innovation: The arts inspire new ideas and creative thinking.

  7. Arts Have Social Impact: They can address and reflect on social issues.

  8. Arts Improve Health Care: The arts play a role in healing and health care environments.

  9. Arts for the Health and Well-being of Our Military: They support the mental and emotional health of military personnel.

  10. Arts Strengthen Mental Health: Engagement with the arts can improve mental health and resilience.'s mission aligns closely with the themes presented in this study. AFEB emphasizes the role of arts in building healthier communities and improving individual and collective well-being. They organize large-scale participatory art projects across various U.S. cities, demonstrating the arts' capacity to foster unity, health, and community engagement. Their initiatives, which bring together artists, civic leaders, and health providers, resonate with the study's findings on the arts' broad societal benefits, from economic impact to mental health improvement. Thus, the study's emphasis on the arts as a vital element for community and economic well-being ties directly into the objectives and initiatives of


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