Meet The Artists

Meet {number_artists} artists from 18 cities participating in Arts for EveryBody. These talented individuals create across a range of art expressions, from muralists and musicians to performers, writers, dancers, photographers and much more. Using art to transform community, connecting residents to issues and advocacy, sparking joy and social cohesion, their work will anchor the Arts for EveryBody events on July 27 and live beyond as a reminder of how art expressions can move and heal a community. 

The Bronx, NY

City of Chicago, IL

Edinburg, TX

Gainesville, FL

IMAN Chicago, IL

Harlan County, KY

Hawai'i Island

Honolulu, HI

Kansas City, MO

Oakland, CA

Providence, RI

Rhinelander, WI

Seattle, WA

Tucson, AZ

Utica, MS

Washington D.C.

Winston-Salem, NC

Phillips County, AR